Sponsored Artist Mitra Hoop

Mitra Hoop
I dream of a dance of immense power and refined beauty, which releases our limitless potential as humans.
Find Mitra

Tell us how you fell in love with the flow arts?
2009 in Guatemala I saw this Mexican Hula Hoop girl, dancing and moving with the circle like i have never seen before. I was amazed by the flow and beauty.
She taught me how to spin around the hips and she told me that I could also put fire on the hoop. That was exciting motivation for me!
I started to practice and I became addicted to hooping.
Practicing one trick and making it, brought every time a doses of celebration, and possessive happy feelings.
I started to feel I am good in something, it inspired me to dance, to show more of myself.
I started to make costume to perform with, choose my favorite music to dance with. The Hoop became my portal to creativity, my crazy energy I had inside of me had now a purpose, a way to transform into art.
What inspires your style of flow the most and how do you find your flow state?
For me it's so depends on the music I am listening to.
I am listening often in this days to organic, melodic, deep, electronic, house music, like Elias Doren, Satori, Mose. When I have a good big studio that allows me to put the volume up, to dance, to flow down on the floor, to throwing the hoops up in the air, I easily access the state of flow that feels like pure empowerment, bliss and joy.

Tell us what makes you passionate about the flow arts?
I love how the Hoop is a dance-partner that keeps surprising me with infinity possibilities to move and express myself.
It's motivating me to train, gives confident in myself and inspiring me to be creative in so many ways.
By letting go, flow in, though and out, sacred geometric pattern of the spiraling movement of the Hoop Dance; this becomes a meditation.
A healing experience that has healed me from stress and depression.
The Hoop Dance is for me a portal that brings me in to myself, my very center, to my natural sate; Happiness!
Tell us other ways you contribute to the flow arts and/or festival community?
I was the first Hoop-dancer introducing Hula Hooping to Sweden such in TV channels, TEDx Talk, workshops and performing at contextual context.
Since 2012 I have been out on many electronic music festivals in Europe, performing and teaching at festivals such as Boom festival, Ozora, Ondalinda, Freqs of Nature.
I have also been around many Hoop-Convention and for next year I will be at Ibiza Hoop and Wellness retreat as well I setting up my own retreat; "Hoop and medicine" in Ibiza, Spain.